Personal Care

Care That’s Just Right For You

Our personal care services are delivered respectfully, upholding your sense of dignity and personal choices at all times. From basic tasks within the home like grooming, hygiene or cooking, to accessing transport and getting around in your community, there are numerous ways in which we can assist you. Take a look at our sub-categories of personal care supports that we offer in line with NDIS guidelines and find something that suits your requirements.

Household Tasks

Our team will take care of any household tasks that you find particularly challenging depending on your individual abilities. This includes cooking your meals, cleaning and maintaining your home, yard maintenance, bathroom and kitchen cleaning, doing the washing, ironing, vacuuming or general tidying-up.

Daily Tasks/Shared Living

If you live in a shared accommodation we can also help you with daily tasks within this environment. We will help you to manage and maintain healthy daily routines with ongoing assistance and supervision as you need it.


The need for transport can arise at any time, so leave it up to us to make this happen. If you need to get to a doctor’s appointment, visit family, attend a community event or go to the store for essentials, we will arrange a safe, reliable way for you to travel to your destination. Our service is punctual, wheelchair-friendly and considerate of your personal requirements. We turn up like clockwork for your regular appointments.

Assist-Personal Activities

Gentle, nurturing assistance with personal activities such as mobility around the house or in and out of bed, toileting, menstrual care, bathing and grooming. We also help with eating and drinking, oral hygiene and skin care. Face each day feeling refreshed and confident with our help.

Assist Personal Activities High

Our support staff are all trained to manage high intensity needs such as wound care, behavioural support, seizure support and more. If you require regular support for complex functional impairments, don’t hesitate to reach out to us for help.

Winning Features

of our Personal Care services

Highly skilled support workers

Age-appropriate, culturally sensitive care

Respect for First Nations people and cultures

Non-English languages accommodated

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